Learn how you can walk in divine love and how to experience the great rewards that come from obeying the law of love.
Signs of the Times
This timely minibook avoids speculation and gives clear, scriptural signs of the "last days."
Three Big Words
This minibook reveals the vital difference between Old Testament
atonement and New Testament remission and forgiveness.
Discover how words affect home life, families, health, and success.
In Him
Learn who you are and what you have in Christ by studying such New
Testament expressions as "in Him," "in Christ," and "in Whom."
Why Tongues?
This important minibook discusses the benefits of being filled with the
Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues.
The New Birth
Our all-time best-selling minibook that explains what it means to be born again.
Love Never Fails
When believers act according to the love of God shed abroad in their
hearts, they can't fail—because love never fails!
The Precious Blood of Jesus
This minibook shares from God's Word what makes the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ so powerful and why it is so precious.
Paul's Revelation: Gospel Of Reconciliation
This classic message reveals the supernatural element of Christianity.
God's Medicine
God's prescription for health and healing is found in His Word. Order this mini-book and take your medicine today!
Obedience in Finances
Learn the importance of obedience to God's Word in planting seed for finances.
How God Taught Me About Prosperity
This valuable minibook instructs believers on using their faith for finances— a commonly misunderstood subject.
You Can Have What You Say
A person will receive and have in life exactly what he believes for and says.
How To Write Your Own Ticket With God
This classic and inspirational message provides four principles for receiving whatever you need from God.
I Went To Hell
Read Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin's stirring testimony of dying, going to
hell, and being brought back to life to fulfill God's plan for his
Hear And Be Healed
In this minibook you can discover the important relation between hearing the Word and receiving healing.
How To Keep Your Healing
Believers can learn to combat symptoms that reoccur after they've received healing.
The Glory of God
The Bible speaks a glory world that is sometimes manifested supernaturally in the natural world.
Learning to Flow with the Spirit of God
This provocative minibook shows that believers can learn to yield to
the Spirit of God individually and corporately.
The Gifts and Calling of God
Gain a better understanding of the different gifts and callings, and the degrees of God's anointing.
Learning to Forget
This valuable minibook covers topics such as forgetting the past,
having faith to forgive, and learning to forgive not only others, but
also yourself.
His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful
This minibook reveals God's wonderful plan of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Your Faith in God Will Work
This minibook will help you learn how to exercise your own faith in God's Word so His promises can come to pass in your life.
Godliness is Profitable
God's Word teaches that godliness is profitable unto all things and
that believers can enjoy God's provisions in this life!
Plead Your Case
Joining forces with God the Father through prayer and carrying out His
will upon the earth is the covenant right of every New Testament
Don't Blame God
This important minibook points out where tragedies really come from and Who our Deliverer really is!
Why do People Fall Under the Power
This minibook explores why people fall under the power of God, citing
as evidence Church history records from Bible days to today.
Five Hindrances to Growth in Grace
This popular minibook challenges Christians to remove from their lives everything that hinders growth in grace.
A Better Covenant
The Body of Christ has wonderful rights and privileges under the New Covenant because it was established upon better promises.
Laying On of Hands
This minibook explores a fundamental principle of the doctrine of Christ, with emphasis in the area of healing.
The Coming Restoration
This anointed minibook explains the move of the Holy Spirit in our day
to restore the power, authority, and character of Christ in the Church
and in the lives of believers.
The Bible Way To Receive the Holy Spirit
Many say this minibook contains the clearest explanation of how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit they've ever read!
Knowing What Belongs to Us
This minibook explains why salvation, healing, and many other blessings
belong to the believer through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus
Spanish Mini-Books by Kenneth E. Hagin
El Nuevo Nacimiento
Este mini-libro, uno de nuestros títulos más vendidos, explica lo que significa haber nacido de nuevo.
En Él
Este mini-libro enseñará a los creyentes sobre quienes son y lo que tienen en Cristo.
El Porqué De Las Lenguas
Los beneficios de ser llenos del Espíritu Santo y de hablar en otras lenguas son discutidos en este importante mini-libro.
Cómo Retener Su Sanidad
Los creyentes pueden aprender a combatir los síntomas recurrentes luego de haber recibido sanidad.